For Rep Firms
Pays for Itself
Enhances Your Image
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As a small business owner, don't you love it when you find a product or service that pays for itself?

Take a look at what you spent last year on postage, desktop printing, photocopying, making trips to the post office, FedEx charges, and similar "hard costs." Then examine the cost to you and your staff to administer routine updates to product information, price sheets, etc. Now take a look at the monthly cost to maintain a DigiBinder site.

You should be seeing black ink. Profit. Cost Savings.

With DigiBinder, those functions are automated, and you can reduce your office administrative costs dramatically. Not only will you save on postage, envelopes, printing, overnight deliveries, etc., but you'll reduce your overhead related to those tasks as well.

With all the hard decisions you have to make every day, isn't it nice to be faced with an easy no-brainer that will save you money, from Day One?

And we're making it even easier. Right now you can try DigiBinder FREE for 10 days, to see for yourself what a difference it can make in your operation.

Click here
to sign up for your FREE TRIAL ACCOUNT!

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Imagine that a customer calls requesting information. They'd like a line card, a photo of your product, and/or pricing.

You could mail them a package. It would take some time to gather the right material (if you have current information on hand), and then you'd have to mail it to them so they would get it several days later.

Or, you could say, "Hop on my DigiBinder site; the information you need is right there, right now."

Which scenario creates the image you want, of a technically savvy company?

That's what DigiBinder does for you - in addition to reducing your costs for postage and admin time, DigiBinder positions you as a company that takes advantage of technology to serve customers better. That's the type of company manufacturers and customers are looking to do business with. So don't be left behind! DigiBinder keeps you ahead of the technology curve. And it's so easy to use. If you can shop online, surge the Web, or send e-mails with attachments, you have all the technical skills you need to set up and maintain your DigiBinder account.

See for yourself! You can upgrade your business image right now by signing up for a FREE TRIAL ACCOUNT!

Click here to get started now.

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DigiBinder™ offers the following direct benefits to rep firms:

Your clients can access your product information 24/7/365, not just when your office is open. If your products are easier to specify they will be specified more often.

Sales is all about maintaining control of the client. With DigiBinder, you maintain control of your clients by not sending them to a manufacturer’s website. In addition, your office often has updated information long before the manufacturer updates their website.

You are providing your clients with a huge time saving benefit by consolidating the information they need in one location.

You will differentiate your firm in the market by offering your clients a technically advanced service that other rep firms calling on the same client do not have.

You will increase your value to the manufactures you represent by being a technology leader and ensuring that their product information is easily accessible to the market you serve.

Your team members can focus on “making the business happen” instead of responding to those “… can you please re-send me the ….” phone calls and emails.

DigiBinder™ will drive more traffic to your web presence as Users will have to go to your site to log in. This will allow you to obtain greater use of the site to announce new products, specials and promotions, etc…

You will have more room in your trunk for your golf clubs because you will not need to carry around literature.

Click here to download a complete DigiBinder feature/benefit summary.